Monday, March 20, 2006

Victory Highway: Day 12?

Everyone's doing well. The ladies are working hard at getting curtains made for ELI's Training Center in Kipkaren before they leave to start decorating the Plateau Women's rental units tomorrow.

But they've not only sewed a lot. They've been training some of the moms how to sew. And they've been reading stories to the kids. I believe that one of the highlights of Dot's day might be to go and have chai with the kids in the morning and then walk them to school.

Wayne's been trying to get things checked off the list of maintenance jobs, but his list seems to be growing instead! He's been working alongside Benard, one of the younger staff members, who has been a keen learner!

Like the team, the kids miss Gogo Andrew. We had received news that Grant and Mary Lou made it home safely and will be able to join the funeral of their brother-in-law Wally.

Please pray especially for the next few days' interaction with the Plateau ladies. Also pray that we won't get stuck in the mud as we head out there. It's been raining on and off over the past few days. We're very thankful for the rain. We're just hoping we won't get stuck in the mud.

G'night from this side of the world.


Anonymous said...

Good Day to all of you!! May this letter find you all rested up from a long night of rest, and ready to start a new day. May the rains have passed and that your trip out to see the ladies be smooth and safe. It sounds like you are all doing well, and getting alot done. Keep up the good work. God is smiling at all of you and is proud of the work that you are doing for his children. Stay healthy and safe.
Your friend in Christ
Rochelle Baker

Anonymous said...

We're so glad to know what is going on in our absence from the team. We, too, miss you all as well as the children and the other friends we left behind at Ukweli and Tanzania. I hope Adele is getting her driver's training in so no one has to get her vehicle out of a ditch. ;) Please let the ladies at Plateau know that I'm sorry I wasn't able to be with them or help them.

Ruth Ann was very touched by the roses I brought home as well as the tree being planted in Wally's honor over there. Thanks for doing that.

We'll watch daily for your progress reports.
Blessings on all of you.
Mary Lou and Grant