When we arrived in Kip Karen around 8 pm, the entire center was their to greet us. It was amazing! The warm welcome was felt the entire time we were in Kipkaren.
The children are amazing! They smile every time they see you and enjoy the simplest of games. We have been blessed to have spent every evening with them singing songs and reading stories. We will attempt to post some pictures tomorrow but we have had some "technical" difficulties up to now. Technical difficulties include no electricity during the day or running water. It was interesting to use the "toilet" in the middle of the night with all the frogs! Yuck! They use the word "cho" or toilet but not bathroom as that means a place were you bathe.
Another amazing thing is how friendly everyone is. Wherever you go, people stop to shake your hand, greet you and tell you to have a good day. This happens A LOT as everyone walks everywhere. (Very few people have enough money for cars.) We also spent some time visiting with some local Kenyans in their homes. They spent time sharing their stories with us and treating us to chai.
We also spent some time with the American missionaries that live there. (Juli McGowan, Allison Tjaden, Dan and Jen Davis) These people have given up their comfort, their homes in the USA, modern conveniences, all to help the people of Kenya. WOW! I cannot begin to describe the type of courage it must take to give of oneself so completely. We will miss their company as we leave for Ilula.
We will either send an email or get the blog page to work in the next few days. Look for pictures by Friday.
We hope this email finds everyone doing well.
The New Song Team
Annie Welch
Daren Bachman
Duke Draeger
Dan & Myra Perrine
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