Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kipkaren Intern: Kayte Kerr Update

While preparing to come to Kenya, I was given pictures of all the kids that are living in the Children's Home. I can remember looking through them and telling people that I wanted to bring them home with me. I would like to share with you now that I don't want to take any of these children home, not because they aren't incredible children that have touched my heart but because they are so happy and well cared for here. I would like to share a brief description of the everyday things that I witness and appreciate about what this organization is doing for these children.

First of all, the parents are so hard working. They are putting everything into these children and truly are making a difference in their lives. They are teaching them not only responsibilities that come with being a family but also love and faith. They lead by example, showing these children how to live right and think of others which can be seen clearly in the actions being repeated by the children. These parents deal with sickness, school struggles, and everyday problems that come up when you are raising two dozen children. It amazes me when I see them mending clothes, going over school work, and cleaning up a scraped knee that they never seem to complain or just want a break and if we comment on their hard work and care that they show for these children they will simply say that they are parents and that's part of the job.

Secondly, the emphasis on education and furthering yourself through school is so strongly ingrained in these kids. They have such a strong work ethic. Starting school at 6 in the morning and continuing all day and then going back again after dinner seemed like a lot of me but for them they see it as more time to learn. They study hard, have big ambitions and have a strong, supportive staff that I know will help them to achieve their dreams. These teachers daily go above and beyond to make sure that the students are understanding the material and most know all the students by name and have formed close relationships with the students. It is neat to see teachers and students committed to learning together and progressing together at Brook of Faith. I am honored to get to see these students and teachers in action a few days a week and continue to be impressed with the dedication that they all have for education.

I have truly been blessed to get to be a part of all that goes on here in Kipkaren. The staff is so hardworking and is really making a difference in not just the kids lives but they are a blessing to the whole community. These kids are happy, healthy, full of hope and joy. I will be leaving them shortly but know that I am leaving them in excellent hands and I know that they will continue to grow, learn and be loved.

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