Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sudan Update: Finishing Up

Today was another great day in Sudan. The team is doing well.

Today held a day full of activities at the Empowering Lives School. If you can, imagine all of the children meeting under a large roof, no walls, no desks, no classrooms separating the children... The teachers have separated the children into groups then the teachers walk around the large area with chalk boards teaching the children. There was a segment of time that ELI staff Dan Davis took the teachers to another area and had discussions with them and a time of encouragement.

The rest of the team had all of the children during this time playing jump rope, games and using parachutes. They loved the parachutes! To end the team's time at the school they had a great time of prayer with the teachers.

After lunch there was a break for anyone who needed some rest time to rest. A few joined in on the construction at the children's home. Tomorrow (Tuesday) will be the team's last full day in Sudan. We will be getting up early to hike to the local cattle camp. Some of our children that attend the school live in the cattle camp. The team will be able to gather some of the stories and see the reality of these children's lives.

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