Sunday, April 15, 2007

Team Sudan: Saturday's update

Thank you so much for your prayers. We have had a great day! The team is doing great, everyone is in good spirits and feeling well. We held the Pastor's meeting today from early morning until about 4pm. Don, Dan Davis and Julius shared in the teaching times, the team did a drama for the pastors. There were about 40 pastors in attendance. They are so very hungry for teaching and have requested please for more. They would love to have a week long seminar several times throughout the year. The worship times throughout the day during the meeting were incredible.

After the pastors' meeting Micah, Ellie & Dan Davis took a two-mile hike to the cattle camp. It was hard to take in all that they saw - you enter a different world. (Click here to see pictures of the cattle camp taken last year.)

Don, the Robertsons, Triers & Steven met with three orphans and were able to hear more of their story. Each of their parents were killed by militia.

Tomorrow, the team will attend two church services in the area and then after lead meetings with the women and the youth. It will be a full day! Thank you for your continued prayers. God is so good!

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