Thursday, November 22, 2007

Team Iowa: End of the Conference

We just completed a two-day women’s conference. Lori and Maryann taught on domestic violence, Nan showed the women how to quilt and I (Melody) taught on biblical femininity. The women really loved quilting, it was such fun to watch them sit around the compound working together. They had never quilted before so it was a new experience for them. They loved it. Nan brought enough material for 200 women and the 65 women used it all up.

The women had many questions about domestic violence and they learned many new things. Lori and Maryann were able to leave material for the pastor and answer in a very culturally sensitive way the many questions the women had.

The women were very appreciative of our teaching. It was so humbling to be able to teach the Word to women who have experienced so much pain and suffering. Our God is so good and faithful and true to His word.

In the afternoon we all gathered together and Adele facilitated a discussion among all the women. They asked questions, supported and encouraged each other. It was a blessing to see the women come together and talk about real issues.

Jennifer was able to spend the day at the medical clinic. One woman was suffering severely from malaria and probably needed to be in ICU. They gave her IV malaria medication for several hours. Jennifer, Danette and Adele traveled around the village treating very gross open wounds (that is my interpretation!) Danette keeps wanting us all to look at the pictures. Danette is sooo in her element!

Stephanie and Andrea spent the day with the children. They made puppets, played, read stories and worked very hard with the children (they cleaned out a piece of land by hand.) Yesterday they took a “walk” with the children. This “walk” was 5 miles up and down big hills. The girls are amazed how the children never complain and were actually concerned about rather if Stephanie and Andrea were OK. The 96 children in the orphanage range in age from 3-12. They live in families of 12 with a mom and dad. The children love the girls and can’t wait until they come back to visit. Stephanie and Andrea are doing great – sunburned and tired, but great.

Thank you all for your prayers. Some of what we have been experienced has been challenging, but it has also been very inspiring to worship with our sisters on the other side of the world. Tonight they had a good bye dinner with us (since the conference just ended.) They shared their love and asked us to thank all the people back home who made it possible for us to come and visit them. So thank you! Keep praying. We are believing God for great things!


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