Sunday, November 18, 2007

Team Iowa: Safely here!

Originally uploaded by Boyznberry
The team made it safely - including all of their 15 ActionPackers! (Actually, they had 14 pieces of checked luggage, and it grew... While I was in the luggage hall, checking in on a piece of luggage that British Air had broken in April, I found one piece of luggage from a previous team. It was just sitting there! So bizarre.)

We're at the Nairobi Java House right now, having lunch. (Hence the picture.) Everyone's doing really well. They're all a little bit hazy from jetlag, but all smiles!

Soon, we'll be flying to Eldoret and from there, drive to Kipkaren. We'll write a detailed update from there.


Heather Odenbach said...

So glad to hear that everyone made it their safely; luggage and all. Hello to Adele! Jackson, Madison and Samuel hope that Aunt Danette has a good time and they all say "I love you!"

Heather Odenbach

Anonymous said...

hey i would like to say hi to my friend andrea and to stephanie hope you guys are having a good time in africa - taylor temple

CAPS said...

I don’t know you guys, but thank God you dared to take a step forward, visited those that need support, lived among them and shared with them.

I hope your personal experiences will motivate others like you to visit our beautiful country. I’m not from Kipkaren but it’s good to know someone cares! Be Blest! Any plans to vist them again?
