Thursday, May 24, 2007

Carrie Seawright: The beauty of life

As my time here has progressed I have come to absolutely adore all of the children here at the Illula children's home. They are great kids who work so hard and behave so well. I have now been in Kenya for a little over a week. It is amazing how God can guide you to a place and time where you feel so much peace and love in your life. God has continually revealed himself to me and shown me his presence here in the Illula Village. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to be here among these 91 inspiring children. I look at each one of their beautiful faces and see the face of God. These kids are so brilliant and challenge me everyday. They never miss a moment to ask me some kind of question. The other day I was visiting in one of the boys rooms and they were asking me questions about American Politics and questions concerning theology. I am amazed how eager they are to learn and understand the world around them.

During my time here I have learned so much about cultural differences and I have been challenged through them. What is so beautiful about these differences though is the fact that despite them we both are serving the same living God. I love to just sit with the Kenyans...while drinking chai of course.... and listen to how God has been actively involved in their lives. It is great to know that God transcends cultures and works through all people in every situation. I have been truly blessed to be here in Illula experiencing the beauty of life.

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