Monday, May 21, 2007

Megan Hoffman (KK Intern): More Amazing Experiences

I have been here almost a week, and already have had so many amazing experiences! Probably some of my favorite times in Kenya are Saturday and Sunday mornings. At 6am all of the kids and staff go to the field near the school and spend an hour in prayer. We all pray separately and then come together for a song. It’s an amazing time to start off the day resting in the Lord and relaxing in Kenya. Plus, the mornings are absolutely beautiful here!
On Saturday, Heather and I made chapatti for all of the children for supper. Chapatti is kind of like a tortilla, but sweeter and fried. It’s a treat that the children get every Saturday. We were in the kitchen from about 10am-1pm making them! But it usually takes them until 4pm, so I am glad we were able to help.
I am becoming very close to all of my kids, and have been getting a chance to hear some of their stories. These kids have been through so much and are continually praising the Lord for His healing in their lives. I am learning so much from being with them, and am enjoying every moment we are able to laugh, play, and pray together.
Currently I would like prayer for my relationship with the children to continually be strengthened, and that I may give extra attention and love to the children who need it the most. I also would like prayer for health. This morning I had a fever, and my stomach has been hurting. It was actually a blessing because I was able to relax and spend quality time with the Lord, but I would really like to remain healthy during this trip.
Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers. I miss you all and am so excited to share my experiences with you when I come home!

In His Love,
Megan Hoffmann

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Megan! I Miss You! but it is so good to hear how much you are loving kenya! I am so glad that you get to be a part of these kids lives and they get to be a part of yours. I will be praying for your health and I hope that you feel better soon so that you don't have to miss out on any great experiences there! I only have 3 more weeks left of school! yay! Can't wait to here more from you! love you!